Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cold Turkey

I am giving up TV starting tomorrow.

I know right. I was going through my inbox and I was reading a weekly email I got from Oprah and something intrigued me. It was about a family who gave up things.

And a few days ago, my friend posted BBC's top 100 books and I've only read 12. My friend commented that she expected me to have read more, and so did I. I use TV, and clearly I used food, to escape from things. I am dealing with my spending, my eating, so now it is time to deal with my TV.

Starting tomorrow, no more TV. I can physically go to the video store and rent a movie, but no more TV. That being said, I am still going to tape the shows that I am currently following (I cannot go completely cold turkey) but I have a feeling that I am not going to watch most of them by the time April rolls around.

I want to do this to ween myself off my TV dependency and learn how to better manage my time.

This will be a real challenge, since I am use to eating in front of the TV (I know, such a bad habit) but after surviving the restaurant challenge, I want to try something new. Apparently it takes 21 days to make or break a habit ( says

"When starting or breaking any habit we tend to tell our conscious mind we are going to change and it's for life. Your conscious mind will just say is that right? I'm in charge here, I'll decide' so there will be a battle between your two sides of your conscious mind.

If you tell your mind you want to try something for 21 days it won't be so unwilling to co-operate. This might sound a little strange when I say talking to your conscious' as it is your conscious talking to your conscious. We all know we have conversations with ourselves, should I go to the pub should I not, should I go to the gym should I not. There are a hundred conversations we have with ourselves everyday."

By starting tomorrow, I am giving myself 23 days.

I want to spend more time with friends, stay on top of my studies, date, have a relationship, read more and by removing this from my life, I am opening up more space in my life for the things I value that give me joy.

I am thinking of making this a no TV and meditate every day challenge. I am thinking these are two great things to piggy back together, because I need to start meditating now and I don't want to wait until April to start.

Ideas of other monthly challenges I can do
-talk to strangers (
-give someone a compliment every day
-wear make up(there is a reason I'll explain)

I am going to look into other ones. Onese that will help me improve as a person and have a more fulfilling life.

So, no telly until the end of the month. Let's rock this out!!!

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Ryun

Stay well!!!

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