Sunday, June 26, 2011

Loong Time

It has been a while.

I have found the sweet spot. Eating healthier and exercising and listening to my body has been much, much easier.

I listen to primal/paleo ways of eating and listen to what works for me. I still eat my goat cheese and greek yoghurt - and I am fine with it.

Embracing healthy fats (coconut oil, avocado, butter, greek yoghurt) and staying away from non fruit/vegetable source of carbs (breads, carbs, rice, pasta, etc) has made a world of difference.

I am back at 185 but my lifestyle right now flows. I am not fighting with myself, saying no to a cookie is no longer an internal battle. I crave my vegetables.

Keep trying, keep learning, keep plugging holes in your butt. You will get there.